Friday, September 26, 2008

Card workshop Idea

Here are some more ideas for the 20 for $20 card workshop instructions and patterns. My mother made these cards usuing two B&Ts and 1 Card stock from "It's a guy thing". She used the stickies from that set as well. These are more masculine then the ones we made at the workshop - but I wanted to show you how universal the pattern is!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Special Update

The Card Kit special is GONE! Please keep in mind that these specials are while supplies last! I really like this new special that CTMH has created just for the rest of September. If you are slowly building your stamp collection and want alphabet's DON'T MISS OUT ON THIS SPECIAL!

CTMH has released a second speical for this month. They have created a new alphabet stamp set. The E size stamp set is a larger size set worth $34.95. The $18.95 is like other alphabet sets. You can get both these alphabet sets for FREE if you spend $125. Or you can have both sets for only $15 when you spend $75. You can also earn this FREE is you host this month and your party makes it to $400 in sales. Thanks for checking in!

Click on the flyer for a closer view.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Christmas Workshop!

My Christmas workshop will be held on November 8th. I am offering 3 classes. Take 2 classes and get 10% off. Take all 3 classes and get 20% off.
Please visit my CTMH website to see each item up close. Go to and click on "My Art".

Email me to request a registration form. Space is limited! You spot will not be held until payment is recieved. Registration ends OCTOBER 15!

"Crystal Clear" Lesson #1 - 50$
Crystal Clear comes with - 1 Evansong Level 2 paper pack, many matching embellishments, 1 acrylix mini- album, 1 acrylix photo ornement, 2 clear bulb photo ornaments, 10 cards (two designs) 1 candle and 1 gift card box.
*This lesson will leave you with extra paper to make more cards, ornaments, or what ever else you would like!
"Think Outside the
Box" Lesson #2 - $40
Think Out Side the Box includes an Aspen Level 1 paper pack, matching embellishments, 1 6x6 accordian album, 1 photo cube, 2 page scrap layout, 2 square photo ordnaments, 1 candle and 1 gift card box.
"Pratically Perfect Presents" Lesson #3 - $30

Pratically Perfect Presents includes a Perfect Day Level 2 paper pack, matching embellishments, 2 squash books, 8 cards, 1 accordian photo ornament, 1 candle, and 1 gift card box. This lesson will leave you with extra paper to make more cards, more squaush books, or whatever else you would like to make.